What Went Wrong For the Democrats This Election?

This year was widely expected to be a Blue Wave year, with Democrats winning big in the Electoral College, expanding their lead in the Senate, and widening their majority in the House, as well as flipping a number of state legislatures, etc. However, election night proved that none of these things happened. What went so wrong for the Democrats, and what can be done about it going forward?

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Key Races By State and Expected Vote Report Times

Election Day is now officially here. Over 99 million people have voted already, according to data compiled by the U.S. Elections Project. In actuality, “Election Day” really is vote-tabulation day, since so many people have chosen to vote early this year. In today’s post, we are going to take a look at each state, from Alabama all the way to Wyoming, and discussing the key races briefly.

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A Discussion On the US House Elections (October)

FiveThirtyEight has released its U.S. House prediction model on October 7. With this influx of new data, I believe it is time once again to take a look at the U.S. House elections as they stand in early October. Though not much has changed regarding the House elections since my last prediction in September (Democrats are still clearly favored to win), there are some close races to talk about.

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Iowa: Presidential, Senate, and House Tossup

Though Iowa, the Hawkeye State, is seen as getting progressively more Republican due to the state voting for Donald Trump by a 10-point margin in 2016, it is still a hotly contested swing state and definitely on both parties’ radar. There are close presidential, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House races in the state, and we also must not forget the fact that Iowa has a long history of big swings between presidential candidates.

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The Races In Montana Are Tightening Up

In most people’s eyes, Montana is a solidly Republican state, having voted for the Republican president every election since 1992 (and prior to that, 1964). But just dig slightly deeper, and you will find that Montana is not actually that solid for the Republicans at all.

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The House Elections as of September 2020

In this post, we are going to take a look at the most competitive House of Representatives races and how they stand about 55 days out from the November general election. We will only discuss the most competitive house races, because otherwise, we would be here until tomorrow morning if we were to discuss all 435 House seats.

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